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Social Media Ad Visibility Analysis

Social Media Ad Visibility Analysis


Includes a detailed analysis report for a Banner Ad in Vivo


    Your banner or social media ad can be read as a standalone design or as part of a larger context.

    Animated ads, as opposed to video ads, have a limited number of Times of Interest (TOI).

    A TOI is assigned to each complete view.


    For example, a banner that rotates three times can be analysed in three different ways. This view will yield a view if it is placed in context on a website or a social media channel, using a web browser or a mobile device.

    1 anim ad rotating 2 times shown on Instagram:

    • Each rotation is 1 view = 1 credit

    • Each view shown on instagram = 1 credit

    Which makes 2 total views for in context analysis, or 4 total views if analyzed separately & in-context.

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